Help i lost my dad

Hi ive lost my dad on the 9th October 2019 and since hes been gone i feel empty and i feel that its not real and im going wake up and he will be here i miss him so much he passed away from heart failure please help me. From a 25 year old whos losing her mind

Hi. Amy. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I know, more platitudes, but on this site it comes from the heart because we all know and care. You are NOT losing your mind, no way! Most of us have felt like that and it’s brought about by experiencing feelings and emotions we may never have felt before our loss. We get confused and fearful, but it’s going to happen. Grieving is a natural process. If you can see it that way it may help.
But for you it’s too early to do anything but try and go along with it. I am not minimising your pain, God knows I do know how you feel.
Stay with this site. You may get more answers from fellow sufferers. But this site is not just about getting some relief from grief. Much more than that. When you read the posts you will find that love and understanding come through strongly, so you are never alone. Take care of yourself. Be as kind to yourself as you are to others. Blessings.

Hi amy,

I’m so sorry for the recent loss of your dad.
It’s so hard and I completely understand. I am 48 and lost my mum to a sudden stroke 17 weeks ago which I am struggling to get my head round. However, I also lost my dad very suddenly to a heart attack when I was 27 and he was 53.
Things will eventually become bearable for you but you will never be the same these early days all you can do is take each hour as it comes and eventually you can take each day as it comes.
Eat healthily, little and often and try to get some exercise into your day. Cry as much as you want as this lets your emotions out and nothing bubbles away under the surface.
You will get through this but there are lots of difficult days and weeks ahead before this happens. Allow your grief to happen and come on here whenever you want to. This site has been of great comfort to me as I am at a stage where friends and even some family dont want to talk about it anymore.
Cheryl x

I know how u r feeling hun i lost my dad n july n im still cry n it might b over something so small will just rip my heart out n im ere if u want 2 talk sending hugs n love xx