Help Please Sue Ryder Care Home Advice

Hi Friends,

I have been inspired and touched by so many of your stories and wish to thank you all and ask for your help, if possible.

I am a 62 year old guy with severe cerebral palsy and complications. I have been placed in a nursing home for elderly people with dementia as it was near to family and it could cope with my physical needs. My family are not coping with my deteriation and don’t wish to visit. The residents here are all 80 to 90 and I am 62 and fully alert. I am fast losing hope!

I wondered if any of you have any experiences of a Sue Ryder Care Home for your loved ones as I am thinking of looking for one for myself? Thanks.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, I can only say the courage and compassion of you all keep me going and give me hope.

Thanks and blessings,

Hi J,

Welcome to the Sue Ryder Online Community. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been placed in a nursing home, which doesn’t sound suitable for your age or needs. It’s sad to hear that your family don’t wish to visit - you must be feeling really isolated at the moment.

You can find more information about Sue Ryder care centres on our website: Hospices and neurological care centres.

From your profile, it looks as though you are in Bristol. If so, I’m afraid we don’t actually have a care centre in Bristol. However, I can suggest some other organisations that can provide information and support to help you find a suitable care centre:

Hi P,

Thanks rang your head office today and they directed me to your Cheltenham Centre who were so helpful and are looking into things for me including an S R nurse. So much happier now.

Scope told me they concentrate on 0 to 19’s because of cutbacks and C P Plus only help people in the community!!

I am prepared to move from Bristol to receive the right care now. I think one of S R’s neuro centres would be just right for me now.

Have experienced a lot of sudden bereavement. So will help folk on this lovely forum when I can. Thanks again. J

I’m happy to hear that you’ve been in touch with someone and are getting some good support from Sue Ryder. I hope that you can move to a better situation soon.

Thanks very much for offering to support others on this forum - it is very kind of you when you have such a lot to deal with yourself. Our users always appreciate hearing from others who have been through similar experiences.

No problem, it has come back to me late in the day, that when struggling yourself a good way through is to help others if you can.

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