Help please

I lost my darling husband 6 days ago and I can’t stop crying

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I feel for you it’s the most terrible time and cry it all out, I’m at eight weeks and am still crying, the pain is unbearable hopefully you have family to support and look after you, it’s somewhere none of us want to be but keep posting because we all know what you are going through and are with you all the way lots hugs xx

Hi Carolyn,
I am so sorry for your loss . Let the tears come as its important to let it out . Hope you have support around you , if you don’t you have this wonderful community to talk to . Take good care.
Love Angie x

Dear Carolyn 1950,

I am so so sorry , I can relate to your overwhelming dispare, I am at the 14 weeks stage of this horrendous journey we find ourselves on, I have cried every single day since, but it has eased up, in the beginning it was hard to even breath, give it time, be kind on yourself allow the tears to fall freely, don’t feel bad about it, you need then to help you along this road.

It’s the hardest this you will ever have to deal with, and I don’t have any answers for you, we are all grieving in our own way, you need to do what is best for you, most people say just take one day at a time, one step at a time, it’s very early days for you, one breath at a time,

Reading posts, or writing them can help, I know it has helped me and I’m very thankful to everyone who takes the time and energy to post on this site to help others while helping them too.
Sending you an enormous hug, I feel for you I really do, it’s so overwhelming at this stage, bless you. X

Thank you Chrissy
The pain is unbearable! xx

Thank you Angie
I feel guilty for crying all the time but I can’t help it. xx


It is so early and raw for you, just do what you need to do, I found crying helped. I am at 6 weeks and still crying. Be gentle to yourself and whatever helps you it’s Ok.
Thinking of you

Thank you so much Janie
Each day I say that this is going to be a “no cry” day but I fail miserably. I feel so sick and ill in my stomach and the pain is unbearable. xx

Took me nearly 5 months of almost constantly crying… Anything and everything seems to set you off… There is no escaping memories of that perfect loving partner you now have to go on without… It is crippling and so unfair… Just take a day at a time… Learn to get out of bed and dressed force yourself to eat and day by day it doesn’t so much get easier just less unbareable… Definitely don’t expect much from yourself and don’t let anyone tell you how you should be feeling… You go at your own pace… Best of luck to you… And you’re definitely at the right place with this community…:hugs: x

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Carolyn you should never ever feel guilty for crying, it’s all part of the process of grieving, someone once told me it shows how much you loved, you do what helps you, not what anyone else expects of you, we are all different, the pain of it never goes away, but we do deal with it and get through each day. Hugs x

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Thank you so much. Your message gives me comfort. xx

Hi Carolyn

I am so sorry, it’s a horrible time you are in, it is so raw, and you will be in shock. I am 10 months on and I still think have days when I don’t think this is real. Take your time, it’s a rotten journey. You will get lots of support on here. Take care x

You mustn’t feel guilty for crying all the time . Its 4 months now since my mum passed and i still cry most days , we have to let it out because holding back you will feel even worse . You could consider counseling in the future , I’m expecting a phone call in the next few days so i can talk to someone . Sending you much love , Angie x

I hardly ever cried before I lost my husband. Mainly because I was very happy with him but also because he was my strength and with him by my side I just battled on if the going got tough. Afterwards, I couldn’t not cry. I spent most of the time in tears or on the verge of tears. Eventually you sort of find that you’ve cried yourself out for a while….and then it starts again. We have all loved so deeply that the grief is so deep. There’s no way round it unless you never love anyone in your life - and that wouldn’t really be a life. It’s horrible, it’s cruel and we have no control. We do understand. Take care


Yes it’s a long emotional journey none of us want to be on, I’m 12 weeks into this having lost my mum and I miss her every single day, I to am waiting for counselling to start, there isn’t a day goes by when I don’t think about her and just want her back and have cried so many tears, this forum is amazing to know other people feel your pain, keep posting we are all here for each other
Lynn x

Thank you for sharing this with me Lynn. I remember the pain after losing my mum. Remember the good times. Lots of love. xx

Thank you Jules. If I keep busy I am ok. I haven’t cried for 2 hours now. Night time and waking up are the worst times. xxx

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