
I lost my Dad in 1985 my Brother to suicide in 1988 my Sister in 1990, my mom in 2010 and now my Partner in January this year, I’m finding it very hard to cope and can’t see the point of going on with my life. Is there any help out there???

Hi Suzie 59 - I’m so sorry for the recent loss of your partner and you’re understandably finding this difficult especially after suffering so many family losses too.

Things may seem overwhelming but there is help out there. You may find chatting to others here helps, as all our members have experienced bereavement and it can help to talk about your feelings with those who’ve had similar experiences.

You can speak to your GP about bereavement counselling, or we even offer our own free service via video if that’s something you’d like to know more about?

Cruse Bereavement Care offers a telephone helpline which opens at 9:30am tomorrow, so if you feel you’d like to chat you could give them a call 0808 808 1677​.

If you’re finding you can’t cope there’s also the Samaritans helpline which operates 24/7 on 116 123.

There is help out there, so please take care of yourself and use one of these services if you need to.

take care