Here i am, usual morning...

Here i am usual morning, as usual, at the computer been up a couple of hours already, had my first cup of tea and as usual crying and whimpering as i sit in the tiny office right opposite my Richards bedroom with his door open and once again crying and whimpering…" please come back to me, please come back to me, i know you would if you could, " repeating this over and over again…to say i am utterly heartbroken is an understatement…


Hi Jackie,

Is this your Husband you are Speaking about or your Son xx I have lost all my Immediate Family x

…my partner Richard of 20 years…we had met in our later life years, he was 74 when he died 11 th April last year, i am 68…If he was here now he would be coming up to his 75th Birthday next week…
All my family have gone too…parents, aunts, uncles…


Hi Jackie,
This is extremely difficult for you. I can understand how absolutely heart wrenching this is. Did Richard pass away Suddenly? Have you any pets.

Christmas has been so hard for me, somedays I cannot face the next x

…yes i found him dead sitting in his armchair after taking our then cocker spaniel to the pet groomers, a half hour journey with the intentions of driving the 20 - 30 minute car journey a couple of hours later to go collect him…


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