Here to chat you aren't alone

Hi I’m LLeigh , I lost my loved one 3yrs ago.

I’d like to start this off by saying you aren’t alone and I’m more than happy to talk to anybody out there struggling and having difficulty reaching out. Please :pray: keep going and please do not give up. You’re stronger than you think. And loved. Our loved ones would want for us to continue in this life and become our strong selves again. We must fight this , :muscle: Our loved ones aren’t ever too far away. Always here to chat and keep in touch. Xxx


That’s nice of you. S xx

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Hi leigh I m suffering from such bad depression that I can’t survive anymore independently I finally met my soul mate after 40 years and ive lost him to my depression I was and still in love with him but I don’t think I can win him back

Jane, you sound in such an awful place and have the need to talk to someone. If I am correct then please ring the Samaritans just to talk, they are there all day, everyday. 116 123 or there’s Cruse
Please don’t ever feel alone, there is always help out there. Stay safe Sxx