Here to listen

I feel a bit pathetic being here & writing this especially given the loss & pain I’ve read here.
I’ve experienced loss but I never speak of it but that’s not what I’m struggling with.
Last year I saw a man throw himself in front of a lorry on the motorway. His torso was in front of my car.
I didn’t know this man but I think about him all the time. I see it in my head like it was yesterday.
First few days I was in shock I think. I then had a melt down. Crying uncontrollably but I spoke to my family. I felt such deep deep sadness. For someone I never knew.
Over a year later I still have bad dreams I’m there again and I still can’t help him.


Hi @Lostconfused, your not being pathetic your still in shock and who wouldn’t be at witnessing such a horrific event. I think you are suffering PTSD and should probably speak to your GP and get counseling. Grief is grief it doesn’t matter whether it is a close relative or a complete stranger, the emotions are still there.
I hope you seek help.
Debbie X


Hello to you both because @Lostconfusses Debbie is absolutely correct my opinion. I would have hoped you had a police relations officer at the time who would have offered counselling by counsellor trained to deal with situations such as yours. Please get help, it will make such a big difference to your life. S xx


Hi @Lostconfused I’m so sorry to hear you have been through this it sounds truly heartbreaking, I definitely think you should talk to a professional.

It must have been truly awful to go through that and you shouldn’t be going through it alone.

Here if you want to talk, take care x


you have trauma.

you must seek some help relieving yourself of a memory from so random an incident.

Thank you all so much for your comments. Honestly so much kindness. Since that post I have found out who the man was, his story and oddly gave me a sense of peace.
Not for me to tell his story but I feel, and I’m not too spiritual though I am a Christian, I feel he’s in a happy place and he’s knows he’ll always be in my thoughts.

I can’t tell you, even just by posting & the support I had back meant to me.

Thank you xxx

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@Lostconfused, it lovely to hear from you and that you have found some peace with the story behind that terrible event.
I hope your bad dreams are not so often and you can get a good night’s sleep.
He is always going to be in your thoughts and I hope your faith has helped you, it certainly helped me with losing my husband.
We are always here to talk to when you have a down day and just need to chat with someone.
Sending love and take care.
Debbie X

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