He's gone...

I lost my partner, soulmate and love of my life suddenly 7 weeks ago. 2 weeks from diagnosis to his death. This was such a huge shock, we did everything together. He was only 56. The pain and emptiness I’m feeling is all consuming and feels like it will never end although I know I will have to try to learn to accept and adapt so I can keep living my life. I don’t have a big support network but those that I do have have been very kind.
I’m also trying to support my daughter through her relationship break down and I’m finding it hard to have the emotional capacity to deal with this as well. I’m her only close family so I’m doing my best to support her and my grandchild but I know she wishes I could do more. Everything feels so raw and pointless. I have no motivation or enthusiasm for anything.
I don’t have a question, I just wanted to write this down and share with people who understand. Thanks for reading.


It’s very early days and it’s soo raw for you still, your feelings are normal. Don’t think too far ahead and take baby steps.
It’s hard and painful. Sending hugs x


Hi @Jane33,

A sad welcome to this forum.

Your bereavement is very recent. I would guess that you are still very much in a state of shock. Everyone on this forum will understand what you are going through and can offer support so I would encourage you to talk here. Certainly I have found it very helpful.

I don’t think it is at all surprising that you are finding it very challenging to offer support to your daughter.

Best wishes to you.