High anxiety

I know it must be completely normal but I am suffering massively with my anxiety since my daughter Chloe passed away last August. So much so that this afternoon I had an appointment to have a patch test to get my eye lashes done. I had to ask the lady to stop as I can only describe it as a kind of panic attack when I had to keep my eyes closed. Just the thought of not being able to open my eyes freaked me out.
I was crying , my heart beating so fast and felt really scared.
Feeling rubbish now… it was something I was doing for me to make me feel a little better in myself. Do others resonate with these feelings ?

Hi, I can fully relate in a way to how you are feeling. I am the same when I hear sirens, see police vehicles as on that Friday as I call it when I lost my son that’s the noises that I heard. I live a very low life, my choice, have distanced myself from certain people who are negative in my life, and have an attitude unfortunately that I don’t care if it upsets them. I have been fed up with being judged and retaliate very quickly. Yes I do get it about heart pounding, it’s horrible. Maybe think of something else you would like to have done for yourself where you don’t have to shut your eyes. I’m 15 months into the hell journey and already realising that going into the second year is difficult. I have good days though, laugh and have stopped feeling guilty for that. Deep breathe, little steps is all we can do, take care xx

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I too suffered with anxiety after the sudden death of my mum. I think its like ptsd and its our bodies coping mechanism. Ive had anxiety in the past and found ways to diffuse it which has helped. But i think its all to do with the loss of control. I dont think its surprising to react like this. I cant even imagine how difficult it must be to loose a child. Be gentle with yourself

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