His last words

His last words were: I love you and then he was unconscious and died an hour later. The last words he heard from me were: Please, don’t leave - I cannot remember if I told him that I love him. He loved his Valentine’s card and the presents I gave him and a few hours later he died. I still feel that I did not tell him enough that I love him and now I am telling his urn that I love him. Life is just horrible now. Sending love and hugs to everyone.


@Annaessex I bet your husband knew how you felt & may I just add, what lovely parting words he left you with. You should take real comfort from that. X


Annaessex I remember clearly the last things we ever said to each other on that fateful day back in February. I had given him a big hug and said “I love you, please don’t leave me” then he tried so hard to speak and finally said “I love you too”. He’d been in hospital for nearly 3 weeks and was only 63. I still text him and talk to him when I’m trying to do gardening, but it will never be the same having been together for nearly 44 years. Sending hugs and love to you too.


Wish I could of had the chance to tell my husband that I loved him :sob:I went to work on the Saturday and Sunday my son rang me to say that dad had collapsed. Time I got home he was gone. Only 53. I hadn’t told him for ages that I loved him. Feel so guilty for that among other things. Life indeed is unfair and cruel. :broken_heart:
Sending lots of hugs x


I was told by the off duty nurses that saw my hubby collapse & went help him that their hearing is the last sense to go,
As I wasn’t with him it was comforting to know they kept talking to him.
He would have enjoyed the chat no doubt!.

G. X


Those last words are so precious. My husband was in ICU and on a life support and when he came round I leaned over him and said “Hello Darling I thought I had lost you” His reply which he mumbled “You don’t get rid of me that easily”. On that occasion he did survive although it was a year of problems and he came through all of them and I had him for another 10 years. But at the very end he said. “You know that Pat she’s goes at everything like a bull in a china shop”. He was hardly conscious and it did make me laugh. How well he knew me but it now makes me feel sad that this was the last thing he remembered about of me.


Last words my husband heard were i love you … i said do you love me and he tried to reply yes but he couldnt hardly say it. It tears me apart thinking if those last moments … i miss him so much :frowning: i screamed when i knew he was going … its not fair is it:( i shouldve said it every single day too - cos i did love him so much ! Much more than i ever realised … i just liked to be around him really - we didnt need to talk xx


He wouldve known @Hazel.1966 dont worry- they know a good thing these men do , when they see it xx


The last thing I said to my lovely husband was I love you and he told me he loved me as well. I’m so glad we got to say it to each other as we didn’t know he was going to pass away the next morning :cry:. My lovely niece who was with me, trying to comfort me after he had passed, told me as we were waiting in the relative room she had heard him call my name as they were working with him. That haunts me, I would have moved heaven and hell to get to him and comfort him if only I had known. A little while later they moved him to a quiet room where I was with him when he passed away. :sob: