Holiday monday

Hello everyone
I don’t know about you but I hate these Bank Holidays
Easter was terrible I seen my famy but I did still feel alone. Holidays my husband and I woukd spend time sorting the garden and I find it so hard to do on my own. I find it hurts so much doing it all on my own.
How’s everyone else doing xx

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I feel the same. It’s so hard getting through each day but weekends are worse and to add a bank holiday into the mix is even harder. I try to keep busy but then the overwhelming sadness comes and I find myself sitting there and nothing gets done x

Yes these bank holiday weekends are awful. Everyone out and about and I’ve been home alone. Xx

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Yes we all feeling exactly the same aren’t we? Feel so sad and as you say overwhelmed I think we always feel same and can never get over it

I am kinda getting used to doing stuff on my own now., don,t really have a great choice, but it bloody sucks.
Siting on your own everywhere you go.

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