
Last night my daughters partner suggested the whole family has a holiday (he has a villa in Majorca) my wife and I used to go on many holidays,she would arrive home and say ok we are off,I would say where to she would say somewhere nice it’s all booked,now some people will probably call me a heathen,a lad in a museum with a lump of gold on his head,a pile of rocks in a pyramid shape,a crumbling carving of a sphinx,a “Great Wall”it’s a wall,a stone Terracotta Army,and more,laying for hours on a beach so you can impress your friends with your super tan and much more,I did it all for one reason,to see the sparkle and excitement in my wife’s eyes and the love in her heart,my idea of a holiday is in log cabin in deepest Scotland,sat out on the balcony on a clear night with a glass of wine cuddling the most precious person in the world,now she’s gone,holidays no way thank you Ron.


Thank you for sharing this with us - you write so beautifully about your wife, @Ron11 :blue_heart:

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Thank you Seaneen.

We didn’t have one long holiday, we preferred several two-night breaks somewhere with a lovely view, preferably a lake or river.
We were actually booked up to go and stay in a log cabin today.
I cancelled everything we had booked. I didn’t want to go on my own. He actually had the cardiac arrest on the day we came home from our last weekend away, so holidays hold no interest for me. We used to have such fun. His camera is still sitting next to the lap top with the SD card in it. I haven’t even looked, I know he downloaded the photos when we got home.
Life certainly sucks. I don’t like being a widow.


Hi Ron11,
I also loved what you said about yr wife.
I found it extremely touching and showed in yr writing, the love for yr special lady.


Thank you, not a good day for me today just felt I had to vent a little and let some out,thank you for your kind words love Ron.

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Hi Ron11,
Sometimes these things simply need to be said.
I have ranted/vented on here and find it liberating and know that everyone understands where it comes from.