House clearance

I’ve just started clearing mam’s house with my siblings, nearly 6 months since she passed. It was like going back in time but the one thing missing was mam. I feel like my heart has broken into a thousand pieces, again. I miss her so much it hurts. I’ve lost my protector, my friend and confidant and I can’t see a way forward :sob:


Hey @Pixiecat , so sorry for your loss. Clearing the hpuse will be very hard, but when you feel a sad emotion overcoming you, maybe because an item reminds you of your mum, try replace it with a happy memory of that item. It takes a few tries to get it right, but it does work. Hope you’re all leaning on each other and it goes as well as it can do x

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Hi @PaulK thanks for replying, I’ll try that, it’s very raw at the moment but I’ll think of mam spurring me on

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Hi i can completely relate to this we are in the process of selling my mums house and it has been cleared, going through her personal was absolutely heartbreaking, but i have kept a lot of her things that meant a lot to her and photos etc. Right now i have them stored but not ready to look at them just yet. Huge hugs to you x