House of The Dragon Death of the King

I watched episode 8 last night of House of the Dragon and I can’t stop thinking about how the king died. It bought back such vivid memories of the pain and agony that was the slow decline of my husband’s death.

My husband died 3 years ago of oesophageal cancer that had spread throughout his bones. You really couldn’t touch him anywhere because it caused excruciating pain. He was maxed out on all the pain medication but he died slowly over 13 months. Just watching the scenes yesterday brought back that horrible deterioration. The sheer discomfort and agony.

I’m sorry to post this here but I have no one else to talk to about it. My husband was so very brave.

Thank you x


Please don’t apologise @EllieG because this is the one place you can post and find understanding. I think we all find things which can bring back the vividness of our own devastating experiences. My beloved husband died a sudden unexpected death which shook my world to the core. It’s only with time that I can now be grateful that he died such a death without any knowledge of what was happening. The consultant assured me that he would not have suffered at all. I take comfort from this.

On the other hand, my brother died a horrible, horrible death through cancer of the pancreas. This was almost 6 years ago now and me and my family still find we need to go over events and talk about it periodically. His suffering is still very vivid to us.

I’m truly sorry for your loss and I hope you are doing as well as you can be. It’s more than 5 years since I lost my husband and whilst I’m trying to live my life, my grief is still very strong and powerful. I think it will always be. The loss of one’s spouse/partner is enormously devastating and life changing, to the point where no one can truly understand unless they’ve suffered it.

Take care Ellie. xx


Thank you so much for your kind words. Cancer really is so very cruel xx