House so quiet

I find the house so quiet now I’m on my own. Don’t like listening to music as the lyrics often upset me. Classical stuff makes me maudlin.
What does everyone do to break the quiet?


I put the tv on all evening, otherwise it would be unbearable. Daytimes aren’t so bad for me, as I’m usually busy, but if it gets too much I put the radio on in the background, just for the noise.

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I feel your pain I lived with my parents my dad died nearly 4 years ago and I lost my mum unexpectedly in march I had been their carer (my dad was my mums carer till he couldn’t due to illness and I took over when he died) it was awful when mum died house was soooo quiet and empty I adopted 2 cats in April and they have been just what I needed I find myself wallowing and one will do something to make me laugh and then suddenly I feel better I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it worked so well for me

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Put radio 4 on. there is no music, some of the topics are really good and some of the dramas are too. if it is something boring to you as some of the things will be just turn it down, the voice in the room is better than silence. Music can be hard to listen to although I find some of it very sad it helps to have a good cry, tears are healing so I don’t mind listening to sad songs sometimes.

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Thanks penny I have never listened to the radio before so didn’t think about Radio 4. Yes it’s background noise I need. I watch tv in the evenings but don’t like daytime Tv. Just want something to break the silence.
Can’t have any pets unfortunately as I live in a flat but thanks for the suggestions.

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You will probably start enjoying a lot of the programmes, I have listened for years, food programme, gardeners question time, womens hour , the Archers is a good drama when you get to know it, there are some good comedy programmes too. Like I said some things are too high brow for me but there is alot of good things. Also LBC is good if it is a topic that interests you. LBC is an internet radio station but easy to find online.

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The silence is sometime deafing i really hate it . I have never lived alone before .i miss the contact. I have a puppy but it still feels empty. Xxx

I feel like that today, it is weird because before David died and I was on my own in the house it was fine, did not seem empty or lonely. Now it does so I guess it is not the house it is the emptiness of them not being with us anymore. We are empty . :frowning:

Yes i suppose you are right maybe just the devastation of losing them its so horrid xxx

I don’t think the dismal weather helps either, it does match our moods but I am sick of feeling cold and looking at grey skies and raindrops. Although sunny weather makes me sad too as me and David always made the most of sunny weather and enjoyed sitting in our lovely garden, which I don’t like to do anymore. :frowning:

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Yep i am the same all good intentions go out the window as soon as i try to do anything i am full of tears. Xx

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