How are we trying to cope with our grief?

I lost my husband on 7th November and he was my only friend, my only social life, my reason for living. He knew how much he meant to me and he was worried that I’d fall apart if anything were to happen to him (his death was sudden & unexpected). He said that, of all of his family, I was the one he worried about if anything happened.

I was distraught and inconsolable after his death - stopped washing, eating, caring. But then his mum had a strict word with me. She said that Paul would not be acting like this if the tables were turned. He was such a positive, loving, kind, caring person. He literally only looked for, and saw, the good in any situation or person. She said that he would be looking at the positives and moving on. She was right - he would have.

Even in my devastation I realised that my life could still sink even lower - I had been left with our dog (we called him our baby) and if anything happened to him it would finish me off. Likewise, I have a sister (my only remaining blood relative) and if anything happened to her, it would be so much worse. My thought process was that, as horrible and devastating as my life currently felt, it could still get worse and so I had to be grateful for the small things that I did have left.

I have mentioned in a post elsewhere (but I’ll repeat it here for clarity) that my husband was so friendly, outgoing, helpful, kind, considerate, etc. He would literally do anything for anyone. He had soooo many friends. At his funeral there was standing room only and they had to open a second room with a viewing screen to hold even more people (that was also packed). He lived life to the full and gave of himself freely. In the wee small hours of the morning (I couldn’t sleep after he died) I’d be lying awake and I realised that he had probably achieved his life mission. Whereas I had lived for him and only him. Whatever my life mission is would never have been achieved if I’d been with him - and so he had to go home (that’s how we referred to the afterlife). We aren’t religious at all - but we are spiritual.

I still had something to do and this meant getting out there and doing it so that I could be with him again. My time will still come, whether I achieve whatever my life goal is or not, but I really do feel that he is still with me. That’s he’s watching me and that I want to make him proud. I want to use his positivity, kindness and gratitude as a template for my own life moving forward. If I can spread positivity, hope or kindness somewhere then I want to do this. I want to leave every place that I visit a better place for me having been there - in his memory.

Some would argue that I’m still living my life for him - but I’m fine with that. I’m ok (not happy) to continue to live my life with him there (albeit it not in the same way as previously).

We had just moved into a bungalow and were busy renovating it - I will be finishing it to the plans that he had made (as if we had finished it together). I talk to him all of the time (because I feel that he is here and is listening). I currently cuddle his photo while sitting watching tv (we used to cuddle each other to watch tv) and I’m waiting for my memory bear to arrive so that I can cuddle up to that instead.

He owned his own business and I’m having to step in with his business partner to learn how to carry this forward FOR HIM (his work was his passion - I once asked him if he was coming home and he said with a serene smile on his face, “I am home.”) I love him so much and I miss him terribly but I will continue to live with him and for him - trying to continue to good work that he started.

Over the weekend I realised that I hadn’t been looking after the bungalow that we’d been so lovingly restoring. I hadn’t done ANY housework since he passed. It would NOT have been like this if he was still here - I kept everything lovely for him. But I didn’t want our home, our mission together, to go to ruination. I remember us working together on all of the things that we did (we did everything ourselves except getting contractors in the literally build the extension). I didn’t want to dishonour this by not taking care of it and cherishing our home and our memories together. If he was standing in the corner and seeing this he’d feel so upset for me. I grabbed a duster and started cleaning and I have to admit that I did feel a little better - the place smelled clean and like it used to do. Again, I was doing it for him, but that’s what makes me happiest.

I still have my down days (yesterday being one) but I just have to remind myself that things actually COULD get worse and to appreciate what I still have (because I’d hate to lose any more than I already have). I am constantly looking for positivity and gratitude - sometimes it’s harder to find than others, but I feel that he is standing looking at me with a proud smile on his face as he softly nods his head - and that’s all I need. :heart:

This is how I’m coping. I’m not sure if it is helpful to anyone, but I thought that I’d write it just in case. I also thought that others might want to include how they are managing in the hope that it might help?


What a lovely read. Sounds very similar to my story. I lost my husband on 11th November. I’m the same in that the housework is getting left and can’t be bothered with anything including eating. My husband was my world and did everything for me. I’m really struggling but like yourself i talk to him and and go to sleep cuddling our wedding photo. I like to think he is watching me and i too think he would be handling it different if it had been the other way around. His funeral is this week and I’m scared of afterwards as people think im strong but im really not. I hope youre restoration continued to go well.


Hello so much of what you wrote resonates with me, like you my partner had his own business, and i’m learning the ropes of keeping it rolling along, and its tough to say the least, sometimes i hold my head in utter despair and wondering for how long i can keep on going, but a small voice tells me ‘you can do this’ and so i continue the best as i can. On the 13th of this month it will be exactly 4 years since my David passed, and today a good friend drove me to Memorial Woodlands where he is buried, normally i would drive there myself but frankly, the pain of loss is greater today than it was 4 years ago. Today it was pouring with rain and the ground was completely sodden, but i laid a wreath and a bouquet of flowers, and having done that I felt so relieved and like a weight had been lifted from me. We all deal with loss in our own separate ways, but non of it is easy.


You may be surprised about people sticking around. They may surprise you :heart:


Thank you so much for this. The last few months I’ve struggled to keep the house tidy, to wash up, vacuum even. I miss Oldfield so much, it’s eighteen months since he died, I cry every day, and feel so lonely.

I’m tired of putting myself out there, making that constant effort to connect with others, but everyday I draw, everyday I speak to someone. I phone a friend, arrange a lunch, meet up for tea and cake, an exhibition, talk, I go see a neighbour, talk to the local shopkeepers. I actually look forward to the postman knocking on the door!

My family think my friends are popping over all the time, my friends think my family are calling me and visiting. Neither is a true picture, I’ve found that it’s up to me to do the work, to pick up the phone. It’s not that they don’t care, it’s that they are feeling lost too, and don’t know what to do.

I find myself saying I just …but I don’t really know what the just is. I feel like I want to go home, but I don’t know where that is anymore.

I’m afraid of driving friends away when I burst into tears yet again, but the truth is that they’d be more surprised if I was happy and jolly, and they are my friends because they love me, and they are grieving too. They do understand the pain, and, like me, they are trying to live their lives.

I know this probably sounds disjointed, a stream of consciousness, just saying what comes to mind between the tears. M


@Moirarae Yes it is true that everybody thinks that everybody else is going to be there and it’s down to me to take the lead.

Something that my stepson said which sticks in my mind (not sure if it was helpful or destructive, but it does stick in my mind) was that “nobody wants to be around a miserable person”. I still talk to people about Paul and I still get upset about it (people wouldn’t expect anything else at such an early stage) but every time I do I hear his words… as I say I’m not sure how I feel about them. :woman_shrugging:


Love that !!

I was a total mess when my Bry passed suddenly & unexpectedly on 22nd March and didn’t want to go on . I feel he is with me too, guiding me through this journey without him . I still pine for him & cry daily but I’m doing ok . Life is precious and I know he would want me to carry on & not sit there sad all the time . Someone sent me this poem before & it was like Bry had written it for me :heart:

A love letter from those who have passed on…

Take the love you have for me
And radiate it outwards
Allowing it to touch and impact others

Take the memory you have of me
And use it as a source of inspiration
To live fully, meaningfully and intentionally

Take the image you have of me in your mind
And allow it to fuel you
To take action
Seize the day
And be reminded of what is most important in life

Take the care you have for me
And let it remind you
To care for yourself fully
And shower yourself with your own love

And take the pain and grief you feel
Following my loss
And alchemize it into
Love, compassion and beauty

Build a castle
From the wreckage of my passing

And allow it to unlock your greatness and potential
And empower you to become more than you ever thought you were capable of being

And know that I can never truly leave you
And will always remain beside you
Watching over you in spirit
And that the love I have for you lives on
Through the connections you form
The kindness and compassion you share
And the future relationships and friendships you cultivate.

And until we are one day reunited
I will remain with you
Through the storms and chaos of life
And am always beside you
Walking with you, laughing with you, crying with you and smiling with you

And I am proud of you for being strong
I am proud of you for being brave
And I am proud of you for being you.

Words by Tahlia Hunter

Artwork by Márfy Art, Gabriella Márfy


Oh my!!! :astonished: That poem is EXACTLY what Paul will be saying to me too! He was such a positive, giving, outgoing, friendly person and he would want me to continue to try to do this for him too - carry on his positive work. I’m going to print this out and put it somewhere so that I can see it every day. Thank you :two_hearts:



You are very welcome . I sent it my brother , who replied with ……

I agree 100% .
Read it, do as he says.
Don’t feel sad, feel lucky.
Don’t feel guilt, you have his permission.
Feel proud that he admires your strength.

It’s beautiful.

Remember his words especially on the tough days.
Love you xx

I sobbed all day, but I know Bry would want me to enjoy whatever time I have left & not to waste it . It’s just so so hard isn’t xxx


What a beautiful poem - thank you for sharing x



Isn’t it. You are very welcome xx

@PollyjaneW beautiful poem, thank you so much for sharing

I personally don’t think that’s helpful, and it says more about him than you. I often find myself apologising to people for bursting into tears, but in the main those people are touched that I feel safe enough to let go in their presence, and express my feelings.

My sister’s partner said "we’re not expecting you to be happy about what’s happened. If you cry, you need to cry, it doesn’t do you any good to hold it in ".

Okay, there have been people who’ve said “No, don’t!” or “Oldfield wouldn’t want you to be upset”, neither of which puts me in a good place. The “No, don’t!” means if you cry I’ll cry, and I don’t want to …but why not?! It’s not doing them any good holding it in either.

My answer to the “he wouldn’t want you to be upset”, is No, but he’d understand entirely and he’d accept the need in me to let it out. After all there should be no difference between crying on our own and crying with a trusted friend.


Thank you for posting this!
I am nearly 7mths on from losing my long term partner and absolute love of my life. It was very sudden and he was so young!

I have always been spiritual so have now continued to go along that path.
Although it’s comforting it doesn’t take the pain away, the pain that I do not see ever leaving!

My partner was a kind, wonderful soul with more friends than people I have ever spoken to. As lots of others I am sure, I just cannot comprehend why such a wonderful person had to leave. All the memories and all of the plans we had to grow old together.

I feel like I live in another world, this surely cannot be happening to me. I wear a mask everyday just to get through the working day and then once I rip it off in the evening I have a breakdown!

Many say to me, thinking of you this Christmas. But it doesn’t matter if it’s Christmas or not, he is not here. Every day is challenging but I have to be strong for our young daughter.

You writing about things could be a lot worse, as that hit me hard! I have a child to look after now and I need to try and find some peace so I can continue to give her all she needs.

Although, it is very hard when you just want him back! Especially as I often think he will be back, this cannot be real.

I feel for every one going through this trauma and hope we can all find our peace


Thank you. :heart:

I’m finding it a great comfort to know he is still here with me, sharing my life. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t miss him. I still cry because I just want him back. I know that he will come to greet me when it is my time and how I look forward to that day! But in the meantime my most sincere wish is to make him proud. :heart:

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Thank you for your inspiring message, he will be looking down on you with a very proud smile. I am glad I have seen your post today and realised how negative I am and hope I can be like you with a more positive attitude… thank you.


@Vangough Thank you so much. :heart:

I do occasionally waver - Friday night was always our special night with a very specific routine - so I generally have a good cry and then get my positive head back on.

It means so much to me that you said he’d be proud. I think he is too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

Its my partner funeral.tommorrow and i feel so scared that this is the last.time i ever see her


It won’t be. She’ll be there to greet you when your time comes and (for some people) she may also visit in dreams. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s true. I wasn’t there with Sean when he passed away and found it unbearable that I never had that chance to hold him and say goodbye- not long after, he appeared in my dream to let me say goodbye. I hugged him so tight and told him I loved and missed him so much - a little later he started to fade away into the background!