How do I cope

My mum had cancer for 3 years when we found out I was 16 it broke my heart, how could this even be happening I was so broken. It all happened so quick she was such a fighter she didn’t want to go, seeing how poorly she got and watching her deteriorate make me feel sick my beautiful mumma didn’t deserve any of it. She passed away peacefully last night and I just can’t even think about it to long without feeling like I’m suffocating I’m so broken she was my best friend I feel like it’s only gonna get worse from here


Hi, sorry for your devastating loss. No words can possibly be of comfort when you are in the raw shock of grief. I hope you have support around you. There’s lots of useful information online to give you practical advice. Just know that there’s a whole community of compassionate people here on this forum, so post how you feel. I lost my Mum in January and I have found it helpful to read the posts and know that I am not alone. Take care of yourself xx

Very sorry for your loss Difficult times ahead I know Take care Blessings

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so sorry for your loss and at an age when you need your mum the most.
it will get easier as time goes on loseing your mum at any age is hard your not alone were here to support you through xxx i lost my mum in april im in my 50s but it still hurts xxxx