How do i cope

I lost my dad a week ago today, he had COPD and was in hospital for 5 weeks. He was supposed to be coming out and moving in with me and my partner, i spoke to him on the friday evening and he sounded the best i had heard him in ages, then 2 days later i get a phone call from the hospital saying i needed to get there asap.
He died later that day and i never got to say goodbye properly as he was so dosed up on morphine and although i was by his side he was unconscious (from what the doctors told me).
I do not know how to process anything anymore, i cannot stop crying. I try to keep busy and im ok then but as soon as i stop doing anything i just cry over and over.


Sorry for your loss. I’m doing exactly the same thing. My wife passed away a week ago. I just try to keep busy.


@Smc0082 so sorry to hear this, my mum died 13 days ago in a hospital. She was on ICU and also not aware of anything. I kept talking to her and I’m trying to believe she heard me. Its just plain awful, I know what you are going through. Sending you lots of warm hugs xx

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@Derek364 really sorry about your loss. Hope we all can get some break from this pain… xx


My sympathies for your loss. :heart: I’m not sure my dad knew I was there, I hope so, but it’s painful to have that uncertainty. I still start crying when I don’t keep busy and it’s been a few months for me. Don’t think too far ahead, divide the day into manageable parts to begin with, focusing on making it through the first part, only the first part, and then the next.

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