How do I cope

Im struggling to cope. Its unbearable. Somone please help me. I can’t deal with these feelings.

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So sorry for your loss, @Anji . Everyone here knows what you’re going through, and everyone is really kind and supportive. Keep posting, and take care of yourself. You’re not alone. Sending hugs.

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Thank you im struggling so much. I just don’t want to live this life without her, but she made me promise to be strong and carry on.
Im stuck. I can’t function. I dont know how to deal with these feelings

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Hi Catrin1
I am sure I speak on behalf of everyone here. We feel your pain. I lost my partner on 19th June that feels like a few moments ago. Please be with family and friends if you can. Its so painful its as though life has not stopped its carrying on and your suffocating with emotional pain. We all are the same here. Losing a soulmaten so suddenly it does not feel right or fair. The grief will continue. I personally have no idea how to move on bit do talk to my partner all the time and out with jack our biscon. Then its where we walked so thats a comfort but painful as well. When people say to me how you doing I say shes still not here and never coming back its the only way I can cope with it. I could talk about her all day and night. However people some of them you can see are having trouble listening again and again. They do have there own lives so like some one here said until it happens to them. For you if you are struggling you could seek help with the GP who hopefully can get some suppport. Plz.look after yourself more than happy to keep messaging its ok to ask for help we all fully understand what your going throughx

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