How do i get breav

How do i get bereavement counselling for my son and daughter on law who lost a baby back in oct 2022.

Hi @LucyW1

Sorry to hear of your loss, it’s heartbreaking :purple_heart:

Please check out the link below on support for brevemment.

Also they maybe able to get support from GP or through work benefit packages.

Take care :hugs: x

I’m so sorry for the loss of your grandchild, @LucyW1. @Katyh has shared a helpful link, so please do take a look.

We offer free online bereavement counselling at Sue Ryder. Your son and daughter-in-law can also make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to counselling or other support services in their area.

Please do think about getting some support for yourself too if you need to.

Take care,