How do I get through this.

My brother passed in April this year after 6 months suffering with Motor neurone Disease at the age of 57.
My father then passed 21 days later with terminal cancer. They both lived together and I was left to cope with their funerals and affairs. My brother and mother have stopped talking to me due to some of the wishes in the Will of my brother.
My husband and children have been amazing, but I’m really struggling to understand why I lost two people so close to me at the same time.

Hello @Mdowe,

Thank you for joining us and bravely sharing how you’re feeling. I’m so sorry about the loss of your brother and father in such a short space of time; that is devastating and it’s completely understandable that you are struggling.

I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m glad to hear that your husband and children are being supportive. I wanted to share our Online Bereavement Support with you. There are a few things you can explore which may help you to get through this. It includes our free online bereavement counselling, our Grief Self-Help service which has interactive tools to help you cope with grief, and Grief Coach, where you can receive personalised support via text.

Take care - keep reaching out,
