How do I live my life now?

Hi Jodel712

I’ll just say it,
WOW that poem is exactly how I feel every second of the day,I’ve started crying now because it’s 100% True,
Thank you for sharing with us all

I hope that you are doing the best you can,we are all here for eachother

Sending you lots of :sparkling_heart: and :pray: Martin xx


Oh I so understand what you mean with that. I lost my husband 5 weeks ago after less than 4 years of marriage. I’m 51. .I’m too young to be a widow…my first marriage at 48. Lifes s**t…were meant to have more memories together, made plans to retire and do things together…I cant do these on my own!!!


I do understand and my thoughts are with you. I lost my husband after 52 years together only three weeks ago and the loneliness is getting worse. I don’t know how to carry on but I just sit here crying. Please take care yourself and I send you love. Carol


I do know how you are feeling I know it is not easy having lost my husband after 53 years of marriage - now just over nine months ago . My heart goes out to you. I hope you have some support and I found bereavement counselling also was a great help to me also.


He had a very sudden cardiac arrest, the paramedics came & they took him to hospital but they couldn’t get him back. That was in January of last year. I think of him everyday, he was my world.


Lovely words and sentiments and they resonate with me. I just wish the tears would come I weep but no tears flow my body feels so tense and needs that physical release. Take care


Perfect wording I feel exactly the same!!!
Take care


i lost mine 6 weeks ago 28th december, we nhad a wonderful marriage, he was my lover husband soulmate we did everything together and now all thats gone the house doesnt feel the same my life doesnt feel the same, i sleep his side of the bed cos i feel abit comforted by it and i cant give his clothes away seeing them around the house helps me, my solicitor has frozen the finance i cant give him a send off untill 12 months have gone past and by then he will more then likely e decayed, at the moment i have made my own little shrine on the coffee table where he used to sit next to i feel its so unfair and disrespectful to Gary, also he doesnt want his family at the funeral or to be let known about his death,i have never ever broken a promise in my life to him and i am not gonna do now god bless i love you my Gary and god bless everybody else one day at a time xxx

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