How do you process?

I lost my Dad nearly 3 weeks ago. His death was sudden and unexpected.
My best friend took her own life on Sunday.
How do I even begin to process this. I feel so overwhelmed and lost.

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So sorry for your losses. I know how overwhelming this is for you. Sometimes tragedies come together. You did the right thing posting here. Many people are going through multiple losses and I am sure they will help you. I lost my mom suddenly and unexpectedly a few weeks ago and I am suffering every single second of the day. My dad is heartbroken. We can’t move forward without my mom. She is the backbone of the family.
Do you have any family members you can talk to? Please share how you are feeling with them. And keep talking here. It has helped me a lot and I will recommend you do it too. Sending you some strength. Take care.

Dear @Sharon72,

I totally understand that you are feeling overwhelmed and lost at the moment. You have suffered two bereavements in the past 3 weeks. Both losses were sudden and unexpected, and the circumstances of your friend’s death must be particulary difficult to process. The most important thing at the moment is that you look after yourself and that you allow yourself to grief. I hope that you have people around you who can support you and that you will also find support on this site from people who can relate to your losses.
There is another website you may find helpful. It is called Sobs and they offer support for people who have lost someone who took their own life. This is the link:
Sending you a big virtual hug.