How has the Online Community helped you? Share your story

We’re looking for people who would be willing to share their experiences to help raise awareness of the impact bereavement can have on our lives and the importance of getting support.

What has been your experience of grief and what support have you been able to access? How has
our Online Community helped you? Personal stories or case studies are vital in helping Sue Ryder to
raise awareness and funds. They could feature in our marketing materials, on our website and social
media channels, and in the media.

Please do get in touch if you would be willing to speak to a member of our team about your
experiences or if you would like to have an informal chat about what is involved. We will never use
your story without asking you first and by sharing your experiences you could be encouraging others
to seek much-needed support.

If you would like to find out more please email

For me it is the constant over and over again, almost duplicating my posts and telling the same story and no one is condemning them because they have heard it - read it before, well this is my way of coping, and i appreciate that no one is telling me to hush, or it is time to move on, or telling me other people have their own troubles, there own problems as i have been told by a couple of people, not our forum members i must stress but outsiders who have collected me in their car to take me to a function group meeting, where it is true, others have and do have their own medical issues but i guess what i am trying to say is no matter how many times i repeat myself, whether to outsiders ,on our forum, no one is posting from our forum that they object at hearing this for the umpteenth time…our forum members are patient members and we all know we have to deal with our losses in our own way and at our own pace…


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" Patient members with plenty of empathy…" understanding and with a listening ear…