How I feel

I lost my partner 5 months ago today it still feels like yesterday I have cried most of the day it hurts the same as it did when she passed. Yesterday our daughter said to me I don’t want you to go I told her I was not going anywhere be both cried. I keep telling her we both are going to make it and we will make your mum proud and I will keep my promise to my daughter. I just wanted to write something down


Hi Andy,
Just wanted to say that I understand your pain, everyone here does.
I am glad you found us, though so sorry you had to. It is a good place, full of people going through the same feelings. You can say what you need to say here, and nobody judges, just offers support and hugs. Love to you and your daughter. We need to be strong for our children, even though we are feeling anything but strong. Xx


Hi @Andy.E I’m so sorry you’re having a tough day today. I’m just at the 4 month mark and like you I’ve never felt pain like this. I’ve lost other family members and friends including my dad but losing my husband is a whole different level of loss.
It is still early days and it’s important not to expect too much of ourselves - please be kind to yourself and make sure you eat and sleep as well as you can.
Lean on others for support if it is there, and you and your daughter have each other which will keep you going through the really hard days.
Keep posting here if it helps - there are loads of us feeling the same way and trying to plough through each day. Xx