Hi Robbie
I’m so sorry you laid that your husband especially as you were denied the most important part of being with him when he passed. You must feel so angry that the person that was supposed to look after him was asleep. That’s beyond words and my heart feels every pain with you. I lost my wife 10 months ago, but the family and I were with her. I won’t say anymore on that.
What you are feeling is normal by the way others speak on this forum, I have had similar and different feelings, some so strong it stops my willpower and motivation, others I just do because I have too, others I do easily. But just because I manage them one day, on others I can’t.
I have accepted that this will be this way for as long as it will, so don’t fight it, if I feel sad I let it go by crying, just doing nothing but looking at her pictures or whatever I need to do to get through. Other days I get up and get on with things, I never know which way the day will fall, but accept it however it lands.
I write my feelings down, I’ve started doing exercise, and feeding myself healthily. I owe it too my wife to look after myself for the sake of those I love around me. My wife would expect me to do that and that would worry her if I didn’t. Yes she would want me to be heartbroken as she was to leave me, that’s right and proper as the pain we feel is the love we had, it will take as long as it takes to get used to that feeling. It’s ok to feel the way you do, there’s no rules on grief, no time frames to adhere too, no one has a right to judge you, you are heartbroken and lonely, in a situation that you hate but have to endure. But you are not alone in the way you feel, close family are feeling the same things but in a different way, they probably have their own families to console them at their tough times, but their worlds do carry on unlike yours.
I wish I had a magic wand that could write words to fix you and others and me, of course, but sadly not. But writing and reading the stories on this forum do help. I read the stories of loss and it helps me understand that we are not alone, It doesn’t solve or stop the way I feel, but at least we can share or feelings and that does take the sting out your feelings for a moment.
I try not to beat myself up too much and try to be kind to myself. I do feel angry, bitter, lonely, lost, guilty, scared, betraying and many more, but I also feel warm when I do think of the good times, the happy memories, the love and compassion given by family and friends. So it is ok for you to feel just ok.
You are here to carry the memory forward and Gerry would want you too look after yourself over everything else. But also want you to miss him as he does you. This is all normal, so please take care, take small steps all the time, some will be forward, some will be backwards, it doesn’t matter, it will take as long as it takes, it’s not a race.
We are sharing a loss here, so you are not alone Robbie, just be kind to yourself.
All my thoughts and best wishes.