How long does this take

How do you move on this when you have so many memories in every room of the house as my wife only passed away 12 weeks and 4 days now?
How do you burry your emotions to cope


Hi @Jonnyc i am so sorry for your loss of your wife. I lost my husband suddenly and unexpectedly 13 months ago, he was 53 years old. You are still such early days, most probably still in shock and numb. I’m afraid that you don’t move on…you may move forward slowly step by step as time is moving forward. Take one hour at a time and don’t look into the future. Talk about how you feel and cry and scream when you need to, reach out to close friends and family or on this forum as everyone understands what you are going through. In time if the memories are too hard you might want to change the furniture around or move but don’t make any decisions yet. Take care of yourself…big hugs xx


thank you, just finding it hard to cope to and can’t do any thing about it


Yes it is so hard, life is so unfair and cruel. You are still very early days and this grief will be difficult, like a rollercoaster up and down with waves. Keep reaching out and take baby steps. There is another site called WAY widowed and young for people under 50 years old. Maybe when you are strong enough you might have a look at that site. Big hugs x

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So very sorry for your loss.
Please try to take one day at a time and hold on to those precious memories - I personally find that soothing over time
Take care x

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