5 for myself
2 uncles
2 grandmothers
My dad
5 also.
My nanna, my dad, my auntie, a distant family friend, and my daughter
I have had to go to a lot in my younger days, I used to race motorbikes 20-25 years ago, there was a period when It seemed like every week. You became reluctant to get too close to people, but sometimes you couldn’t help it.
I got away with just loosing my lower leg, but many were not so lucky. Since then there have been three if I recall correctly, my nan, my father, and now my partner. Obviously non of them were good times, but when it’s the person you love, your soulmate, there is nothing that compares.
The last three have been cremations so I don’t know if they are technically funerals, I think they are. It hasn’t been a month yet since my Blaise died, but he a wanted fun, non religious service, I doubt we delivered on the fun part though, but we tried.
I will be honest I hope the next one is mine though, I could not go to another.
Love to all.
5 for me
My grandad
My dad
My friend
My late mother-in-law
Recently my beloved husband
I want to just clarify what I said, when I wrote nothing compares to loosing your partner, I just meant what I have been through, sorry not to be clearer, only just noticed ho it could read.
Take care everyone.
Parents, mother in law, baby, husband, uncle, cousins in law, work colleagues, friends, neighbours, aunt, grandmother, church people.