How much longer can I keep pretending?

That’s like me Nigel I need someone to look after not having Ricky has left me such a void in life I nurse him for 8 months he died holding my hand


He died knowing you were there as did my wife. That’s important. We’ve nothing to reproach ourselves for.


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Hi ,
I found that we can’t rush grief . Everybody copes differently . A friend gave me some really good advise. He said don’t fight what you are going through. It will come back stronger. If any negative thoughts about ur loss come , let it , sit with it for a little while ( max 1 mins ) and then brush it off as quickly as it came . Don’t let it wallow in you , otherwise the thoughts will stick .

Make a journal . Write in it . Talk to them what u did in the day …


Thank you Amb, I talk to my beautiful wife all the time and sit by her grave to tell her about my day. She’s buried on our own land so that makes it easier.



Hi I write in my diary every night to hubby . Tell him all my thoughts and fears and how much he still means to me and always will . I put an act with my adult kids . They need to have a happy life . Like me and hubby did. I don’t ever want to become a burden on them . I know I am lost without him . And just take one day at a time . That’s all we can do . Xtake carex