How Often Do Most people Visit The Grave

I only lost my mum in November and I live quite far away from where she is buried but my dad visits every week, and my next door neighbour lost her husband 30 years ago and I believe she still visits him once or twice a week. I think you should go as often as you like, particularly if it’s nearby and you find it comforting.

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Its been 15 months now since i lost my darling wife i have a 40 mile round trip sometimes by car sometimes with my bus pass i visit once a week you must do what feels right for you god bless you all aand happy new year xx

My family doesn’t have graves, we scatter their ashes to the wind somewhere they loved. I’m sure many people on here are the same and don’t have a marked place, per se, to visit. I’ve never been to where my mother’s ashes are for example, my Dad scattered them in private as they had agreed between them. But, it doesn’t bother me in the least, as I don’t feel the need to have a memorial spot, I remember her and my other family members and loved ones every day. In their funny little sayings that we repeat, in a sudden resemblance to a new family member, photographs, funny things that happen. I’ve planted things in memory of them, etc., etc. I understand that for some, it is a comfort to have somewhere to go to visit, but for many of us, it’s not a ‘thing’, we all carry them with us wherever we go. My husband has only visited his parents’ grave once and that is fine. He has to do what he feels best for him, and I know he ‘talks’ to them every day.
Whatever brings you peace is the right thing for you.

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my mum passed just over 2 months ago and i lost my dad around 13. to be honest when my dad died, around that age I was quite scared going to the cemetary for some reason and mum said not to go and now that mum is there in that same cemetary. since my mum died quite sudden like dad its all sort hitting me at once and I visit both graves when i go. The feeling of grief has been quite overwhelming since mum had passed. i’ve been going quite often, because my home doesnt feel like a home anymore and atleast when im at her grave, i get some sort comfort. its bittersweet feeling when i see her grave, as it loss i’ll never get over with if I’m being honest. do what makes you feel better