How to carry on

How are you today ? Have been thinking aboutyouxx

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Hiya Iā€™m not to great to be honest Iā€™m really struggling badly canā€™t stop thinking if I was with him could I off stopped it from happening or save his life his sister showed me a msg that he sent her a few days before he died telling her how much he loved me an hes never going to let me know we had our ups n downs I just wish we could go back in time n start over Iā€™ve got his daughter his memory will live on I cry every night listen to songs my oldest son whoā€™s 19 was close to him an he listens to songs to remember the happy times heartbroken really badly an its getting worse funeral coming up on the 22nd an im scared off saying goodbye because it will be finel then no going back :broken_heart: :cry: I went to see a medium an they sed things that nobody would ever know aswell its just hard to carry on but I have to because off the kids still donā€™t know how he died either :broken_heart:

Itā€™s all so hard for you at the moment and as you say a lot of unknowns too. Waiting for The funeral for me was the hardestā€¦I find that people around u will support you and you will manage . You can cry all you like or not at all we all do it differently. Sending you best
Wishes as alwaysxx

Fantastic reply. As recently bereaved I wanted to show support like that

Thank you for your kind comment and I am sorry for your loss. Lots of us going through the pain of loss. Take care , use the forum - lots of good people who understand .