How to cope with 3 bereavements in the same month

Hi, i am really struggling at the moment. September 2022 i lost my aunt and my mum 6 days apart, my aunt on 22nd ( which is also my birthday) and my mum on 28th, so this will be the 1st anniversary of their passing and i still cry every day over their loss. My dad also passed away on 4th Sept 1997 so i also find this a very sad day. At the moment i am really wondering how i am going to cope with all of this . It certainly doesnt feel right to be celebrating a birthday on the 1st anniversary of my aunts passing. Does anyone have any tips or advice how i get through September? Thanks

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Hello @Sharon2205 ,

I’m so sorry to hear about your parents and your aunt this must be so difficult for you right now. It sounds as though you are really struggling at the moment and you are feeling very anxious about key dates and anniversaries.

I’m glad that you’ve been able to share how you are feeling here and I hope that you find the community a good source of support. Everyone here has experienced the loss of a loved one and will understand some of what you are going through.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help you right now.

You may also find this Sue Ryder article helpful as you approach important anniversaries. Coping with death anniversaries. Remembering a loved one: death anniversary | Sue Ryder

Take care - keep reaching out,


@Sharon2205 sorry you are dreading a month of poignant anniversaries. I would suggest preparing for a day when you can honour your loved ones, perhaps going to a significant place? Maybe using some time to look at photos, listen to music and focus on remembering particular memories. I’m planning to go to a Cathedral to light a candle when I reach the anniversary of my Mum’s death. I also have a little vase tribute to her so I will place a special flower in it on that day. Take care, best wishes xx