how to cope

Hi I am new to this site I lost my husband last September and I am not coping with it at all I cry everyday as he was my best friend and he is not hear to help me I just want to be with him all the time

Oh dear Sarah, I am so very sorry for your loss, my husband died in November, so I share your pain. You are still in shock and it feels so unreal, you just want him back to hold you and be there for you. Do you have any family to support you or a friend you can ring when you feel you can’t cope? The lovely people on here will want to help you Knowing we are all going through the same thing and understand what you are going through will be a comfort I hope. We are always here for you. Sending a hug.

Oh Sarah I’m so sorry for your loss. What you are describing is exactly how I am feeling . I was with my partner for 37 years from being 14 he was my best friend and I too just want to be with him. I spoke to an online bereavement service who suggested I could be suffering from deep grief a form of PTSD and counselling may help. I’m going to look into this. Maybe it would help you. Here for support x