How to cope

How do i get through my dads funeral?


@Lozzy My dad died when I was seven, sixty five years ago, at the time children didn’t attend funerals, so I didn’t attend his, indeed, no one actually told me he was dead, it was just allowed to sort of sink in,
However, between my wife’s recent death and her funeral, a period of a month elapsed and I can tell you worrying about the day was worse than the day itself.
Obviously I know nothing about your situation, what sort of family or friends you might have supporting you but in our case, with our agreement as to the form and nature of the funeral service, everything was taken care of by a funeral director.
It’s not correct to say ‘we just turned up’, because obviously the day and the service is terribly emotive; we knew what music my wife wanted, we knew that a celebrant would read the eulogy that between our children and myself we’d written, it had been agreed that two of our grandchildren would read a poem and a tribute to their grandmother.
The eulogy moved people to tears and the service moved forward as if by clockwork; the hardest part for me was when as we filed past the casket I bent to kiss it and said “Goodbye Sweetheart”. I knew that was to be our final parting.
The day was nowhere near as bad as I’d anticipated, sad to say the months following have been worse than I could have imagined.
Stay strong and however you feel is the right way to feel.
I wish you well in your loss.

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