How to cope

Hi, I’m just new to the forum and I don’t know how to really cope with the passing of my mum which happened 6 years ago in November to suicide. I don’t think counselling really helps and I was wondering if anyone had any other tips or coping mechanisms they would be willing to share to help me deal with my feelings? thanks x

Hello Abbie, I’m so, so sorry to hear about your mother it must be really tough! I lost my dad in August due to him being an alcoholic so it was self inflicted, it hasn’t been that long but I still struggle and imagine I will be in years to come too but that’s okay. You need to find something that will feel like you are closer to your mum, after my dad died I’ve started to donate blood as this helped him when he was in hospital. I feel like if you do something which your mum loved or doing something to represent her will keep her spirit alive still if that makes sense. I’m not that good at wording things as I’ve only just turned 19 and I’m new to this but you need to do positive things that have come from it and know that she will always be there with you even if you can’t see her. No matter what you do I’m sure she will be proud. I’m always here for a chat, sending love. Phoebe x

Hi Phoebe, Thank you so much for replying to my post, I’m sorry to hear about your dad. You have helped me so much by just taking the time to reply as half the time I really do feel like I’m alone although people are around me, I don’t know if you possibly feel the same? I am looking into a few things that I can do to feel close to my mam and I am happy that you are out there helping other people that are possibly in the same situation. I have only just turned 22 and felt a bit nervous posting onto this forum and asking for help. I’m always here for a chat too, and I hope your okay, sending my love back, Abbie x

Hey Abbie, you’re more than welcome! Thank you for getting back to me as well. I’m always open and here if you would like to chat wether it’s here or on another platform just let me know. Yes definitely do things that make you feel close to your mum it will really make it a little easier for sure as it has done for me. Don’t ever feel nervous to ask for help, the people I’ve spoke to on here so far are so kind, everyone is here for similar, if not, the same reason. You have to remember your friends and family will always be there to support you, connecting to other people in similar situations could also help you, this is one of the reasons I came on here. Hope you’re well, Phoebe x