In the last twelve months my Mum, Dad and Sister have died, at different times. I don’t know how to cope with this, I’ve so many emotions competing. And as for the tears.
I can imagine you are overwhelmed by all of those losses of people so close to you in such a short period.
You don’t have to deal with it alone as you have made the step to share on this platform.
Reading others experiences and having discussions with people who get it is so helpful on here.
There are other support out there too whether in groups or 1:1.
A visit to your gp might provide some support and information of what is available to you.
I am so sorry you have experienced so much loss.
Take care
I feel like I don’t know where to start. I’m feeling like I’m living in a different body since it all happened. I honestly feel like it’s overwhelming; just when I’m having a relatively “normal” day something sweeps in - an emotion or something that has to be dealt with.
I am so sad to hear about your losses. You’ve had a terrible year. Do you have other family members who can support you in your grief?
Thanks for thinking of me. Ive a brother and family who live in London. Hes dealing with the money side of things and comes down every few weeks so that we can go to “the house”. I’m the one here though. Sometimes I can cope with going in, others, like yesterday, it upset me. So many memories
Yes, it is awful having to clear a family home. When we were sorting out my Mum’s house, I took photos of everything, so that even if we sold the items, we would still have pictures to bring back the memories. Maybe that would help a little as far as the house is concerned? But as for losing 3 family members in one year, that is truly tragic and I send my deepest sympathies. I hope your brother and his family are able to offer emotional as well as practical support.