how to say goodbye

I am trying to prepare my goodbyes, I live a broad and I am currently in the UK spending time with my Mum who is now end of life. Really struggling with the situation and with the covid restrictions of travelling. I left my husband children to spend time with Mum, and when its time to go how to say my goodbyes knowing its likely that this will be the last time I will see her xxx


So sorry you’re in this position Rosi. It’s heartbreaking to do and worse still on your own. I did it last November with my mam. Hugs for you and know that there’s people on here who have some understanding just how sad it is xx

Thanks Marylou, I am hoping this place can help me process all my grief - feel completely alone being on the other side of the world without my husband or children with me - yet watching my mum suffering and knowing I have to walk away from this at some point how do I say goodbye?

As I sat on my own with her for almost 3 days, I was running low on things to say. Instead, for parts of the time I played some of her favourite songs to her from my phone.
I couldn’t actually bring myself to say goodbye, just told her to put the kettle on for me when I got up there with her.
This community, which I found by accident, makes me feel less alone.
Hopefully you will find some peace here too in time xx


thanks for sharing and such a nice way of parting. xxx

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