How to support My daughter

I lost my husband very suddenly in August last year at the age of 48. We have two children 17 and 14. My daughter who is 17 found out one of her best friends from school had died last month, she had battled leukaemia for several years, she was only 17. She is heartbroken, the funeral is in a couple of weeks, she is unsure whether to go or not, I have told her that whatever she decides will be okay and I will be there with her if she goes, but I am dreading it. My heart breaks for her family but I don’t know if I’m strong enough to go to a funeral so soon after my husbands.

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Talk to your daughter she could be feeling the same, but wants you to make the decision for her. I could be completely wrong as well. Maybe you could both write a note to the family sending your sympathy and explain why you can’t attend. I am sure they will understand x

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