How to support my husband

My mother in law passed 3 months ago very suddenly. To begin with my husband seemed to be coping very well but for the last month he has struggled, he is constantly drinking, every day! sleeping and working that’s it. he wont socialize and no matter what I say I am being argumentative , insensitive or just horrible! I don’t know what to do to help him, I am struggling with his behavior its like walking on egg shells around him incase he blows up.

Can anyone offer any practical advise on how I can help him deal with his grief as i fear he is spiraling into depression (he wont seek medical help or counselling).

thank in advance

Hi Cheryl, I’m sorry for the loss of your Mother in Law, your husband is obviously not coping, they always take it out on the one closest, but that is no comfort to you, have you got a friend that might be able to talk to him and persuade him to at least phone somebody for some help, like Cruse, it is early days and hopefully he will start to come to terms with the loss of his Mum, I do hope there is somebody on this site that can give you some advice from personal experience, love Jude xx

thank you, really appreciate it.

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