My wonderful husband of 33 years has now been given weeks of his life left - he is disappearing in front of my eyes and I feel like I am going through the motions, trying to wrap my head around it all and take one day at a time - hardest thing I have ever done…
What do people say when other ask you if your okay? How are you feeling? How do you put one foot in front of the other???
It’s the hardest of things to do and nothing prepares you for it. My husband passed away 3 months after being diagnosed aged 61. We cared for him at home in his last 10 days . I look back and remember watching him disappear in front of me as you have said. Just be with each other and don’t be afraid to cry and show him you’re scared too. Staying strong isn’t always the answer and it’s exhausting. Take care of yourself xx
I am so very sorry for your situation. I agree with everything Sandie5 has said.
You will live in a parallel universe for the next however many weeks and you don’t need to worry about saying the right or wrong thing to anyone. No-one will know what to say to you either and won’t expect any sense out of you. You will put one foot in front of the other because your body will operate on auto-pilot.
Do make sure you get all the support in place that you can. If you haven’t been referred to palliative care, then ask for that. They can do a whole host of things, not just the final days. They even talked about someone staying through the night with us (in the end it isn’t how it happened for my husband). Make sure you are in contact with your local district nurses too. Have any support numbers you might need easily available. If there is no-one else in the house then try and make sure there is someone (family/friend) who could drop everything and come to you when you really need them.
Many people on here have stories of caring for partners through long illnesses so you may find some comfort reading around. But most of all as Sandie said just be with each other and talk to each other.
Thankyou ever so much ladies - that means a lot to me and makes perfect sense.
Everything is in place and we have the most amazing pallantive care nurses…
I too was I your position, 2 and half years ago for me
My only advice is… Life is very, very precious, even when it’s so fragile it’s hard to see that.
Enjoy and embrace special little moments together in the next few days, weeks…
Love, hugs and strength
Thankyou for checking in - things are quite settled at the moment, hubby has had his pain medication upped so he has having some relief which is good for both of us.
Taking each day as it comes……Thankyou ever so much
Much love