How you aged

Im sorry for your loss 53 is no age these days . But life is a spin of a wheel or turn of a card so it would seem . We can only hope to live the best life we can with the time we have . X


Thank you for your kind words xx

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Really sorry for your loss. Cancer is so evil. It’s so destructive.
That’s a nice photo of him.
Thank you for sharing it with us.

We are all here whenever you want to chat.
He was a young man. Take each day as it comes. Be kind to yourself.
Baby steps, just take each day as it comes.

I lost my hubby in November. I talk to him everyday. I tell him off for not being here when thete is something that needs doing. I miss him everyday. I’m keeping my promise to him, and have started to look after me.

Be the best version of you, in his honour. Sending hugs :hugs:

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Thank you for your kind words…I lost my husband last December a week before Christmas. I got a phone call from my son to say that dad had collapsed. I missed his call by 30 minutes. Time I got home he was gone, I did CPR on him as i was there before the ambulance, they worked on him for 45 minutes. My husband died of a massive rear pulmonary embolism and kidney cancer which was in both kidneys. Such a shock as he was working the day before, just been to the doctors but too late. The last year has been a haze, can’t remember much. This second year is hard but feels different with a deep sadness. Thank you for sharing your photos as well, your husband sounded such a brave man and you sound amazing. I hope you are doing ok ish. The best advice I got was not to look into the future and take one hour at a time as we don’t know what the future holds like we didn’t have control over the past. I do hope that you are having support and keeping busy. I’m keeping busy by filling my time as a distraction. You even swim or sink but I guess it is like swimming in choppy waters with massive waves…yes I talk to my husband as well…Take care and big hugs xx