Husband gone

I lost my husband of 35 years 7 weeks ago. I feel absolutely devastated.
I am still struggling with it every time I think about him. He was ill with IPF and I cared for him at home for the last 11 weeks of his life.
I feel empty and I am just existing. I have daily contact with 2 of my children but I feel so lost and alone. I have friends who are there for me but it is this feeling of not wanting to meet people because you know they are going to ask how you are or say they are sorry for your loss when you feel so deeply about your loss and they are just trying to be nice.
I am going back to work tomorrow for the first time since he became unwell and I am dreading it.
This is so much harder than what I expected having lost both my parents.
Will it ever get better.

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Hello @debbiedl_74, I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, that is devastating. Your loss is so very recent and raw and it will be hard to imagine things ever getting better right now. You are at the beginning of your grief journey, so I wanted to share our Supporting yourself through grief resource with you which may help you in understanding what you are going through.

Many of our members have sadly experienced the loss of a partner so I am sure that you will find the community to be a support. I hope that going back to work today was as okay as it could be. Please keep reaching out, you are not alone.

I understand how you feel - my husband died 6 weeks ago and I feel the same. All we cando is hope to learn to live with it. I’m so lonely though.

I have been back at work now for a week and it has helped. It is still strange at night when I am on my own. It is 8 weeks today but I know I will feel better eventually so my thoughts are with you. The loneliness is the worst thing. Take care


I’m so sorry for your loss. I also lost my husband 8 weeks ago from lung cancer. He was only 66. I feel lonely and lost too. I am going back to work on Monday after 3mths of looking after him, I am dreading it.
