Husband passed away

i know its only 12 weeks since i lost my husband but dont see the point of doing anything live far away from relatives and never see anyone how do other people cope i ask myself?

Hi, welcome to the community, it is early days, my family live far away, and I have to say my friends were wonderful and were there when I needed them, I also found keeping myself really busy helped, made me sleep better as well, I have 2 dogs and they were and are godsends, walking in the fresh air every day does help, it does get easier, some days are better than others, you just have to go with the flow, sending love xx

It is SO hard to cope but we have no other choice really, especially if there is family relying on us.
It is 11 weeks and three days since I lost Tony and I feel the same way as you. I think from reading other posts, that’s how grief takes you and it will ease. I hope so as I don’t fancy feeling like this for the rest of my life. I love(d) him so much though that I don’t see any end to it. Sorry I can’t be any more positive. Maybe I am just having a particularly hard day. I hope you feel better able to cope soon, but I suspect it may take a while. That’s the pain of loving. x

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Hi there
I am coming up to my second year of loss and can say that we learn to cope because we have to. I hope I don’t sound too harsh because you are so early in your grief and nothing will make sense at this moment. I have personally not wanted to rely on friends or family and never wanted to burden them anyway.
Keeping myself occupied was the answer for me and I’m afraid it’s a sad fact that grieving people can soon become forgotten that is when it is up to us to cope. To meet people you have to put yourself out in company. I was told this and it’s quite true. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like it yet you will know when you are ready. I didn’t want to be with groups of people even friends, for over a year. I also have lovely friendly dogs and walking them has made me aware of how many people I have a chat to during a day. It’s not easy but making the effort is worth while.
Good luck to you.

I lost my husband nearly 8 months ago and feel
as if I have had the bottom ripped out of world. I have found keeping busy has helped, trying to say ‘yes’ to any invitations to do anything with anyone and not being too embarrassed to say,’ I’m sorry I’m
having a bad day and don’t feel I’ll up to it’ if that is the case on the day. I think the hardest part so far has been being able to accept that I have no choice but to keep on living ( even though I don’t feel I want to some days).
I have to remind myself daily that my husband would not want me to be moping about and if I have learned anything it is that life is short and we should try to make the most of our days.
Be gentle with yourself.


Such wise words! I totally agree x

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