
Hi, just joined think i need a place to go as feel very out of my depth. I lost my husband on the 4th of February 2024. I was on the phone with him when he had a massive heart attack. He was doing overtime at work when he lost his life and i lost my world. Just getting harder as the days go bye. I still feel as if am in day one . He was only 48 so half my life of memories gone in no time . The thing is i was the one with heart failure diagnosed in 2019 at 46 . I have Dilated cardiomyopathy and Af am fitted with a CRTD pacemaker and defibrillator. So last person i thought would be my husband going this way . So much i have lost but if not for my young sons i would be totally on my knees. I have never felt gut wrenching pain like this in my life. Please excuse my grammar or spelling. Reson i don’t like writing on line .


So sad,he was so young.I have no answers for you my partner of 38 years died very suddenly last May in the garden cardiac arrest I found him there.It’s a terrible shock.I’m sure your head is all over the place I was just numb with shock for months,I still have moments when I can’t believe it.You look after yourself as best you can and take one day at a time it’s the worst feeling in the world.


I also lost my partner, suddenly, in February. He was 46. He was such a funny and wonderful person. I also thought that it would be me that would have issues, not him. Take care of yourself as best you can. Come on here and vent when you need to. Take care my lovely xxx