
Hello I have bin with my husband for 22 years we have 2 amazing kids on the 30th November 2023 he went to the docotrs at 10.40 with a pain in his belly he rang me when he comes out of the docotrs and said the doctor has said it was anxiety ( he had pins and needles in his arm this pain had bin there for 3 days but getting worse) we spoke on the phone and I said I wood meet him and if he felt up to it we wood go and get our little girl some birthday bits both our kids birthday are in Dec 7th and 17th we walked in to a shop and he collapsed he told me he loved me and stopped breathing air ambulance normal ambulance police tryed to save my husband and at 11.42 the air ambulance called it and said he had gone the worst day of my life I had to give statements to the police I had all the first kids birthday Christmas mother day I am lost I walk round and feel like I am in a dream I only sleep for about a hour or so at night the coroner did a investigation as he had bin at the docotrs that day I can’t see how life is ever going to be normal again


I dont think life ever returns to normal. I am hoping it just becomes copably different.
I would imagine you are in huge shock as well as grieving. It’s going to take time to get over the shock and that’s without thinking about the grief you are living with. I don’t know if this helps at all but I am trying to manage this by setting myself a task a day, even if it’s just getting the kids to school and home again. If I manage it, I’ve had a successful day, if I don’t, that’s ok, there is always tomorrow. It doesn’t make the feelings subside but it does give me a feeling of having tried to be normal.


I am so sorry to hear of the sudden and traumatic loss of your husband This must have been a huge shock for you and the children Thinking of you it is hard road you have to travel now Don’t be afraid to ask for support Blessings