Husbands death

I am doing ok during the day as there is always something to do but I still cry and cand cope at night when I go to bed

Dear PatriciaJoyce,
I am so sorry for the loss of your husband, and the way it is affecting you. However, this is all normal, and things will ease a little in time as you learn to cope. It is very early days for you, and I think it would be strange if you didn’t cry once the distractions of the day have gone. I still cry a lot and it has been 11months for me.
I think this may go on for a very long time because you can’t spend such a long time with someone and not be devastated when that time ends.
My heart goes out to you, and I do know how you feel. Big hugs,

I find first thing in the morning hard - another long day without him - then evenings and night. Lying in bed when he should be next to me is so hard. I miss him every minute of every day but that is the price of deep love. Keep posting here - people do understand.

It’s the same for me also coming up to nearly 14 months since I lost my husband Yes the mornings and evenings are the worse Waking up and realising there’s another day to get through without him and sitting alone in the evening thinking about him
I still cry every day after being together 45 years I miss him so very much
Thinking of you all