Hypnotherapy works!!

Those who have been following my threads on how I have overcome grief very well, will know that Ive used hypnotherapy, and it has been amazingly successful. Its all too easy to be sceptical, and dismiss it as a stage act, but if you do that you would be totally wrong.
I eventually found this link. It explains it far better than I’m able. So its not mumbo jumbo!
Even if you dont buy into hypnotherapy, which would be a great shame, theres a lot of extremely interesting reading. I found the section of not allowing your thoughts to trigger grieving extremely relevant.
So, here is the link to the article, I hope you enjoy reading it.
For me, it worked brilliantly.
Good luck.


@tykey thanks for that. I had a read and I particularly liked the set of questions it’s useful to ask. I’ve written them down. I am aware of some of the things that help me cope. I’m beginning to identify what I need to do in order to cope. I’m also aware that some days I don’t feel able to do anything and that I just need to be able to accept. Some days you just have to feel it and suffer, but every day doesn’t have to be like that. Somewhere amongst this mess you have to find a way to go on.


Thankyou for that Tykey
Being further along I can certainly relate to this article. We do have to find our own way through grief and there is certainly no short cuts. I hope it will help some of the members to understand their loss.