I can’t cope

I lost my beautiful mum 21 weeks ago today, omg it’s so hard. I have just had a call from my dad saying he has incurable lung cancer and has been given months what I can’t cope


I am very sorry. cancer is attacking so many people now. I lost my parents and it is very hard. all I can say is to be there with him as much as you can. try to think of him first and put aside your grief. he needs you now.


I will try my very best thank you

Hi @Marie8,
This must all be a big shock, & so soon after your mom’s passing, :pensive: sending hugs of support.
When someone we love first passes, it is painful, & we miss them very much, & especially when it’s someone who has been there for us our whole lives, & been through so much with us, it can be hard to go through such a big change. But as time passes, we come to look on our memories for how special & precious they are.
If there’s anything I think we’ve all learned from our bereavements, it’s make the most of the time we have with the ones we love, because that’s what’s most important.

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Hello @Marie8, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum and for your dad’s diagnosis. You are coping with so much at the moment and it’s understandable if you’re feeling overwhelmed by it all.

I’m glad you’re getting support on the community. I just wanted to let you know that if you feel it would be helpful to talk on the phone, Macmillan Support Line is open until 8pm everyday. You can find out more about the support Macmillan offer to people affected by cancer and their loved ones on their website. You can call the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 00 00.

Take good care,

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Yes the support is a massive help yes my head is really all over the place, thank you for letting me know about macmillan I will give them a call. My dad letting me know was so hard for him hearing him cry was awful. Thank you seaneen

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I feel like it one thing after another but I am trying to stay strong for my dad, thank you so much for your message of support Pandaprincess