I can't believe it's true

9pm Thursday 5 weeks tonight. I just can’t believe it’s true. That pain is still just unreal. I sob myself to sleep every night and I’m the morning. I go back to work next week and don’t know if I’m going to cope.
How do I move on. The only love of my life has been taken from me. Being alone after 23 years gills me with fear

Thoughts are with you …keep reaching out to others ,you are not alone .You are grieving be kind to yourself to , work has been my saviour these past three months , it has given occasional respite from the dark world we were thrown into. I hope it will in some way help you too .


Yes work has helped me too
A chance to be busy it doesn’t take your mind off your grief but it helps to be doing something which you have to concentrate on
Sitting in an empty house was just making me worse and worse my daughter is at work and I can only really see her on the evenings
She works weekends and I hate them they are something to endure
I wander round the shops in a lonely state can’t afford to buy anything tho
They put my poor Ian on a ventilator on a Saturday and two weeks later I was allowed to see him and I was told he was slipping away so every Saturday is hell from the moment I wake up
Already today now I’m home from work my stomach is churning
Like all of us I’m struggling to cope but my worry is I seem to be getting worse instead of better . I know better isn’t the right word but I can’t accept what has happened can’t stop feeling sorry for myself

Sue Katie yes I agree work means you have to focus and concentrate…like you weekends are a challenge to put it mindley …your loss is also very recent and I know that a mix of not good mixed in with okish days are very much part of the road we all seem to have found ourselves on …I think for me the not so good days are days to take extra care of self …be kind to self …sending warm wishes your way for a peaceful weekend

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After a long meeting today with doctors the have put me on calming tablets. How do you prove they missed it. For at least 3 years💔

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Thank you and of course the same to you xx