I cant cope with my son

Im laid in bed so unhappy crying hurting and i feel like running away. My sons driving me crazy. Hes not listening to anything i say. Im asking him to brush his teeth he just says no i told him its bed time he says no dont want to I said please he just says i dont care. Hes really getting to me. Ive told him i feel angry and sad aswell but i dont be mean to you, we have to stick together now hes say no i dont care. Ive even said, im going to ring his unclre john my brother to help just so he’d listen he just said, Ring him whats he going to do. He cant snack me or anything cause i ll ring social services up. I said he wouldn’t smack you. That is something I’ve never done. I feel terrible, but I’ve just said to him. Well, have my phone ring the social services up i just dont care anymore. Now i feel horrible and a bad mum. I try and not shout at him cause he’s grieffing aswell. Its so hard ive lost my partner in october and then lost my dad beginning of January. My sons always been a bugger with me but his dad only at to tell him once and he did it. He always had me wrap around his little finger. Everyone says it. Now his dads not ere he just wont listen to me. Ive trued tobget help from school ive read some tips on winston wish but neither is helping. What can i say or do for him to make him be leasr angry. Any idea before i loose the plot. Im hoping after dads funeral which is bextcseek i might be abe to manage it abit better.

I’m sorry things are so tough right now, @Kcg. You might want to get in touch with Family Lives for support. They have a live chat on their website, or you call them on 0808 800 2222. You can also message them for support on WhatsApp on 07441 444125.

I hope this helps a bit and take care,

Thank you for thst information i definitely will when ive got time.